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Headteacher: Mrs Rebecca Lennon

Senior Administrator: Mrs Debbie Pelosi

Telephone: 01983 740285



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Curriculum Overview



Welcome to our Curriculum page. Here you will find information about our curriculum at Brighstone. Each subject has an intent, implementation and impact statement (see below). These tell you how each subject is taught at Brighstone, and what our intended impact is. It also includes information about how each subject links with the EYFS curriculum. Most subjects are taught on a 2-year rolling programme.

If you would like to find out about the topics and learning for each half term in each class, please visit the class pages. For further information, you can also contact the school office or, if you are currently a pupil or parent at the school, you can contact each class teacher via their class email address.

On this page, you will also find information about our music provision and RE provision.

Curriculum Information

(please click on the pictures or PDF links to read the documents in full)

Whole Curriculum

Whole Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact














English Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact 2024-2025



English Curriculum Whole School LTP 2023-2024

10 Tips on Hearing Your Child Read, with Questions to Ask

10 Tips on Helping Your Child Become a Keen Writer

Read Write Inc

We use Read Write Inc as our systematic synthetic phonics programme. Here, you will find guidance and links to useful websites:

Parent video: What is Read Write Inc Phonics?

Parent video: Introduction to Daily Read Write Inc Phonics Lessons

Parent video: How to Say the Sounds

Oxford Owl: Parent Guide to Read Write Inc Phonics

Read Write Inc Phonics: Learning to Read at Home

Fred games

Parent FAQs

Complete list of Read Write Inc phonics books



Mathematics Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact


We use HIAS Scheme of Learning long term plans for mixed year groups, which are unable to be shared on our website due to the Terms of Licence.



Science Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

Science Curriculum LTP 2023-2024


PSHE and RSE Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact 2024-2026

PSHE and RSE LTP for 2024-2026 (2-year rolling programme)

Parent information

Mixed age RSE PSHE Progression of Skills and Knowledge


RE Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact










RE LTP for 2024-2026



Living Difference IV: The Agreed Syllabus for religious education (RE) in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton

Living Difference IV is the legal document to be followed for the teaching of religious education in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton schools.

Living Difference IV, rather than being a precise prescription, offers a set of principles for teachers to make their curriculum to ensure religious education is open to the plurality of ways in which people live in our local, national and international communities.

Living Difference IV describes an approach for teaching, seeking to explain the educational value not only of children engaging with new material intellectually, but also of them becoming better able to discern what is desirable for their own lives, and with others, for the world.

Living Difference IV seeks to introduce children and young people to what a religious way of looking at, and existing in, the world may offer in leading one’s life, individually and collectively.

It recognises and acknowledges that the question as to what it means to lead one’s life with such an orientation can be answered in a number of qualitatively different ways.

These include the idea that:

– to live a religious life means to subscribe to certain propositional beliefs (religion as truth)

– to live a religious life means to adhere to certain practices (religion as practice)

– to live a religious life is characterised by a particular way of being in and with the world: with a particular kind of awareness of, and faith in, the world and in other human beings (religion as existence).

Living Difference IV recognises the link between religious education and rights respecting education (RRE).

Living Difference IV is now in place. Our staff have undergone training and curriculum plans have been created to be in line with this updated syllabus.

Please click on the links below to access the Living Difference syllabus documents as well as the Living Difference website:

Living Difference IV – The Agreed Syllabus for Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton

Living Difference HIAS website


Art and Design

Art and Design Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

Art and Design LTP 2023-24

Design and Technology

DT Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact 










Design and Technology LTP 2023-24



Music Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact 










Music LTP 2023-2024

Brighstone Primary School music development plan summary 2023-2024



History Statement of intent, implementation and impact

History LTP Topics A and B



Geography Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact


Geography Long Term Plan 2023-2024



PE Intent, Implementation and Impact



Modern Foreign Languages

MFL Intent, Implementation and Impact

MFL Long Term Plan 2023-2024




Computing Intent, Implementation and Impact

Computing LTP 2023-2025

How EYFS links to the curriculum

Learning in EYFS and beyond

EYFS and the wider curriculum

Peripatetic music lessons

Wight Music Tuition is now the service provider for Music at Brighstone Primary school. At Wight Music Tuition, we care about all children’s educational needs in Music and will deliver a high quality affordable service.

WMT has now taken over the invoicing and full service. The advantage of this is that you can liaise directly with tutors and our business administrator/manager. Lesson plans/tuition videos can be sent directly to parents and any queries you may have can be answered quickly.

10x Group lessons (20mins) = £80
10x individual lessons (20mins) = £122

To sign up for music lessons please apply at Lessons take place in school.

If you would like an informal chat with Caroline, please feel free to phone or email as follows:
Caroline Hales – 07785778222


First Access Music Lessons

KS2 children have the opportunity to take part in whole class First Access music lessons through Wight Music Tuition, as part of the school’s music curriculum.

Year 3 and Year 4 – Brass lessons with Mr Stroud

Various KS2 year groups – Ukulele lessons with Mrs Jackaman

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office.




PSHE, Relationships and Sex Education Policy – Parent Consultation

Letter to parents about PSHE and RSE consultation 24.6.20














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Parent Survey – Feedback

“Brighstone School is an excellent school. Very happy with the progress my child is making”

“My child has come on in leaps and bounds and has massively surprised me. I am very happy.”

Thanks to all parents who took part in our recent Parent Questionnaire. We are proud to report that 100% of parents who responded said that their child is happy and feels safe at our school. The responses this year also show an overall improvement in the school’s performance in meeting particular pupils’ needs, supporting learning, receiving information about progress and dealing with bullying – and it was great to see that you feel we are good at keeping you well informed.

Our thanks to all parents who completed the questionnaire.