
For all information regarding Safeguarding please click here

contact Info

Headteacher: Mrs Rebecca Lennon

Senior Administrator: Mrs Debbie Pelosi

Telephone: 01983 740285



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We would welcome your feedback about our school.

Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

Who are the Governors?

Sarah Turvill – Chair of Governors

I have owned a house in Brook since 2012 when I retired from working in the City of London and have lived here pretty much full time for the last few years. On retirement I became chair of the Governing Body of Exeter University for 10 years. Now I have various roles in West Wight including Chair of the Yarmouth Harbour Commissioners and the Seely Hall.

I believe that a good education transforms lives and it is key that that education starts from a young age. I look forward to helping Brighstone Primary School in every way that I can.



Rebecca Lennon – Headteacher – Education Committee – Finance Committee

Having been teaching for 25 years, both on the mainland and on the Isle of Wight, I have taken on a range of roles throughout my career: class teacher, DT subject lead, English subject lead and Assistant Head, and I now have the privilege of being Headteacher here at Brighstone. I have been teaching in this lovely village school for 17 years since my husband and I moved to the island from Cheshire, and I love being a part of this friendly community. We have a strong and enthusiastic team here at Brighstone, where everyone has a passion for helping children thrive and be their best in a happy and supportive environment.

Out of school, I enjoy reading, going for walks in our beautiful countryside and acting in local drama groups.


Rev Jackie Maw – Ex Officio Governor

I am Team Rector of the West Wight Mission Community. I am relatively new to the island and enjoy walking my dogs on the beach most days. I also enjoys cycling but am seriously considering an electric bike to deal with some of the hills!!

Schools have played a significant role in my previous parishes. They play such an important role in our communities. I’m delighted to be part of this school community and continuing to nurture the strong relationship that there is with St Mary’s. Children ask questions about life, the universe and everything, including God, with a directness we seem to lose as we get older. I look forward those questions as we learn and grow together.’


Samantha Sharp – Staff Governor – Education Committee

I am an Islander and throughout my teaching career I have taught from YR to Y8 in a variety of settings on the Island, mainland and abroad.
I am proud to teach at Brighstone Primary School and I firmly believe that village primary schools have an important part to play – not just in nurturing, developing and educating the child as a whole, but as a stakeholder within the community too.

Out of school, I am a member of the Scout Association and enjoy swimming and walking.




Emily Rufian – Parent Governor – Education Committee

Returning to the Island in 2016 with my young family, we settled in the West Wight, and my son now attends Brighstone CE Primary School. Having been so impressed with the welcome the school extended to him during a challenging settling in period, there was no question when it came to applying to be a parent governor to be able to support the school. I look forward to taking on the challenge, and I aim to bring a different perspective to the role, as this is a completely new area for me professionally.

I have a passion for championing small rural schools and the importance they hold for not only local families but the community as a whole. I also have a keen interest in positive and proactive SEN provision. I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with the wider team at Brighstone CE Primary School, supporting them to ensure a sustainable and thriving future for the school.


Tony Saunders – Local Authority Governor – Finance Committee

My wife and I moved to Brighstone in early 2020 after I retired following over 40 years in management. I am a Chartered Accountant and have used those skills whilst working in largely high-end retail, publishing and printing. I subsequently worked as a trustee for a number of years for three charities: The Rowans Hospice at Purbrook, The Kings Theatre in Southsea and The National Railway Heritage Awards.

We enjoy walking the Island’s fantastic footpath network with our dog, gardening and supporting local theatre.

A vibrant and successful local school is vital to our community and I will endeavour to help in whatever way to ensure that the progress the school has achieved is maintained in the years ahead.

David Maw – Foundation Governor

I have lived in Brighstone for just three years. I have served a full career in the British Army as a radar technician, followed by a period in education and I now work as an engineer at BAE in Cowes. The teaching experience that I bring to the school PCC is seven years of teaching mathematics and engineering in secondary schools and colleges.




Brian Mitchell – Associate Member – Health and Safety

It was the search for our idyllic retirement location that brought us to the Isle of Wight 7 years ago, and my wife’s love of gardening and my wish to be near a coastline made the decision to come here to Brighstone one of the easiest we have ever made. And what a wonderful community we have joined!

My retirement from health, safety and environmental management didn’t go quite according to plan, though, and I now give mainly pro-bono advice to not-for-profit organisations such as Brighstone CE Aided School and St Mary’s Church.

For me, it’s an honour to have been asked to become a Governor of this school and I will do everything I can to support the hopes and ambitions of the pupils, the staff and my fellow governors.


Lisa Abbott – Clerk to the Governing Body

I was brought up on the Island and love working and living here. Now living in the beautiful West Wight, my children have both attended Brighstone Primary and we deliberately chose a small school for them to attend. I am delighted to be working with the Governing body to support the school, which is at the heart of the lovely community that the village of Brighstone offers.


School Governors Wanted

The board of governors are looking for new members.
If you know of someone who has some spare time and has an interest in volunteering/community, we would love to hear from them!
Lots of training and support will be given (and even tea and biscuits!).
You do not have to have children or relations at the school to come on board.
Please contact the school office for more information or an informal chat.
We look forward to hearing from you.


Governing Body Information:


Governor Information 2023-4 (Issue 3)

Governors roles and responsibilities and membership of committees 2023-4 (Issue 4)

Full Governing Body terms of reference September 2023

Governor’s Code of Conduct 2023

Scheme of Delegation September 2023



Governor attendance 2022-23

Governor’s Code of Conduct 2022

Governor Information 2022-23 – Issue 2

Full Governing Body terms of reference September 2022.docx

Scheme of Delegation September 2022

Governors roles and responsibilities and membership of committees 2022-23 – Issue 2



Governor attendance 2021 – 2022

Full Governing Body terms of reference September 2021

Governor’s Code of Conduct 2021

Scheme of Delegation September 2021

Governor attendance 2020-2021

Governor Information 2021-2022

Governors roles and responsibilities and membership of committees 2021-2022


Governors roles and responsibilities and membership of committees 2019-20

Governor Information 2020-2021

Full Governing Body terms of reference September 2019/2020

Governor’s Code of Conduct 2019/2020

Scheme of Delegation September 2019/2020

Brighstone Instrument of Government 

Governor attendance 2019 2020

Statement of Behaviour Principles

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Parent Survey – Feedback

“Brighstone School is an excellent school. Very happy with the progress my child is making”

“My child has come on in leaps and bounds and has massively surprised me. I am very happy.”

Thanks to all parents who took part in our recent Parent Questionnaire. We are proud to report that 100% of parents who responded said that their child is happy and feels safe at our school. The responses this year also show an overall improvement in the school’s performance in meeting particular pupils’ needs, supporting learning, receiving information about progress and dealing with bullying – and it was great to see that you feel we are good at keeping you well informed.

Our thanks to all parents who completed the questionnaire.