Dear Parents and Carers,
What a fantastic day we had at the beach on Wednesday! Our whole school beach day was a huge success and it was lovely to share it with so many parents. I know this will be one of the lasting memories that the children will have of their time at Brighstone Primary School
This week we have also had our Transition Morning – we welcomed our new reception children for September 2019 into school. Our morning was a great success; all of the children enjoyed spending time with their class teachers for next year. The atmosphere in school was one of pride, anticipation and excitement. We also wish our year 6 children the very best as they visit their secondary schools.
During the coming week we have a number of events and activities to look forward to. One of the highlights of the year will take place on Monday and Tuesday as we hold our whole school end of year show “Treasure Island – ish!”. Tickets have been selling fast and Monday is already sold out, we still have availability for Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday (17th July) we have our Leaver’s Eucharist in church at 8.40am, this will be led by Rev Clive. We would like to invite parents to join us for our time of worship together. The final Leaver’s Service is on Friday 19th July at 1.15pm in church.
We look forward to seeing you at the events during this final week of term.
Best Wishes
Mrs Fox
Rubber Duck Derby Summer 2019 POSTER
Summer Programme 2019 (Leaflet)