Dear Parents and Carers,
It is hard to believe that we have only one week left until half-term. Earlier this week the school governors spent a day in school, there was a vibrant, purposeful and hardworking atmosphere and the children were very eager to share their learning with the governors as they visited the classrooms.
Over the past two days we have welcomed two authors involved in the Isle of Wight Literary Festival into school. On Thursday afternoon, local author, Marianne Su-Yin shared her book: On The Trail Of The Missing Pets with year 4, 5 & 6. The children had a wide range of interesting questions for her; we are hoping to be able to invite Marianne back into school later this year to do some more work with the children. Our second author was Simon James, who has written a number of children’s picture books. As a school one of our particular favourites is ‘Dear Greenpeace’, this has been used as a guided reading text and both staff and pupils were very excited by the visit. The full programme for the Literary Festival can be found online at: there are a wide range of events and activities taking place across the weekend.
Many of you have asked about the DVD / video from the school performance of Neverland in July, for the past few weeks we have been trying to compile the video. Unfortunately a combination of the length of the performance and the quality of the sound recording mean that putting together a feature length version is not going to be possible. We realise that this is a disappointment. Our intention is to put together a selection of the music (including solo and chorus performances) along with a range of still photographs, we hope to have this available immediately after half term and there will be no charge for copies.
We would like to thank all of the parents who have supported their children with this half term’s homework. Some of the class teachers have already asked for the children to return their books. Please could we ask that all books for this half term’s homework challenge are returned by Monday 16th October so that the teachers can mark the work and prepare the certificates for the children that have completed the minimum of their five homework pieces. If you require further information, on Wednesday (18th October 6.00pm) we have our next parent information session about homework and spelling.
I hope you have a relaxing weekend.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox
3686 PLA Spooky Half Term at Roman Villa Colouring Competition Poster_low res
Issue 4