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Headteacher: Mrs Rebecca Lennon

Senior Administrator: Mrs Debbie Pelosi

Telephone: 01983 740285



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Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

Issue 27 Brighstone Buzz, 7th April, 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,

WOW! – What an EGGs-travanganza  of a week!

Our week’s journey started with inviting the children to reflect on acts of kindness for Lent as we approach the start of Holy Week. Simple examples of these are: Draw a picture for an adult you love; Tidy away toys; Smile and say thank you to someone. Today in Golden Worship we encouraged the children to share these at home with you during the holidays.

The highlight of the term for fourteen of our Year Five children was the opportunity to participate in ‘Zacchaeus – the Musical’. They excelled as they performed with a cast of over 100 people that included children from the four other schools in West Wight, and adult choir, musicians and dancers. The show was a sell out and the hall at the sports centre was packed with an audience of approximately 400 people. A great experience that also raised nearly £1,500 for the ongoing running of our local community sports centre. Well done to all of them they were great ambassadors for the school.

On Thursday we came to together as a whole school for Eucharist, it was lovely to welcome so many parents to the service. This was a great opportunity to focus on the Easter message as the excitement of the holidays approaches.

We would like to thank the BSA for all of their hard work with the organisation and preparation of the Easter activities and competitions. The Easter hunt caused great excitement and was thoroughly enjoyed in the warm Spring sunshine. Well done to Wolverton the winning house for collecting the most milk bottle tops and special congratulations to Finley in Year 5 for finding the ‘Golden Egg’. We had a fantastic response to the Easter ‘Bake Off’ and the Easter Bonnet competition. Congratulations to all who entered, there were some unique and imaginative entries.

Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful Easter.

Mrs Fox

7th April

Dear Schools, Newport Roman Villa



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Parent Survey – Feedback

“Brighstone School is an excellent school. Very happy with the progress my child is making”

“My child has come on in leaps and bounds and has massively surprised me. I am very happy.”

Thanks to all parents who took part in our recent Parent Questionnaire. We are proud to report that 100% of parents who responded said that their child is happy and feels safe at our school. The responses this year also show an overall improvement in the school’s performance in meeting particular pupils’ needs, supporting learning, receiving information about progress and dealing with bullying – and it was great to see that you feel we are good at keeping you well informed.

Our thanks to all parents who completed the questionnaire.