Irish Dancing PSSC Oct half term 2014 A5
Goodness gracious me, it is October already.
We have been blessed with another week of wonderful weather. This has been perfect both for our Year 6 pupils who have been taking part in Bikeability as well as our Football Teams who have had several away fixtures. Our Footballers played well and I have received many positive comments regarding their good sportsmanship, keep up the good work.
I am looking forward to our first Family Learning Workshop next Monday. Year 5 lead the way with our Science afternoons, they will be finding out about fantastic forces! If you would like to book a slot to work alongside your child on this or a future Monday please let us know. Numbers are limited and spaces are filling fast!
I would also like to draw your attention to the opportunity for all parents to become a Rock Star! Do you sing in the shower, car or garden shed? If the answer is yes, look for your chance advertised within the Buzz this week!
I am delighted to read the news from Panda class this week. Many of them have been keen to show off their newly acquired phonic skills. Well done Panda’s. We will be hearing from another class next week!
Can I please ask that you encourage your children not to walk through the car park either before or after school as their safety is paramount.
Whatever the weekend holds for you, I hope that you enjoy it and look forward to seeing you next week.
PS Children next week I will be telling you all about my Golden Tickets and I am very excited!