Dear Parents and Carers,
What a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend we had, it really felt as though the summer had arrived. It was a real pleasure to see the children arrive back at school on Tuesday in such high spirits, many of them were excited to talk and share about the activities that they had been doing.
On the 22nd May we have a cricket roadshow for the whole school. All parents are invited into assembly at 8.35am to launch our morning of cricket activities. During this time there will be information for parents about how their children can become involved in the sport; then across the morning the children will all be treated to taster sessions.
We are very pleased to share with you that as a school we will be working alongside the Revd. Clive Todd, who will be living at the Rectory in Brighstone and has taken over as the Rector of the West Wight Emerging Mission Community. We will also continue to work with Revd Linda at Shorwell and the youth group from SWAY. On Wednesday 23rd May at 8.40am we have a whole school Service in the church; this will be our first opportunity to share a school worship with Revd. Clive. All parents are invited to the service and we hope that as many of you as possible will be able to come along and join us.
Next week is an important week for our Year 6 pupils as they will be taking their interim assessment tests. We wish them well and know that all of their hard work will be rewarded.
I hope you have all got your tickets for Wolverton this weekend, it is always such a fun event. We will keep our fingers crossed that the weath-er is kind to us as so much hard work goes into it. I look forward to seeing you there.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox
11th May Issue 27a Keeping Children Safe Online Poster 2018
Mental Health Awareness Week event
midsummer fair design competition
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