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Headteacher: Mrs Rebecca Lennon

Senior Administrator: Mrs Debbie Pelosi

Telephone: 01983 740285



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We would welcome your feedback about our school.

Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

Issue 21, 12th February, Brighstone Buzz

It has been a fairy tale fantastic day at Brighstone today. The Children in Bee Class were almost unrecognisable as they all arrived in their wonderful outfits. I even had to look twice as Grandma (Mrs Cousins) and little Red Riding Hood (Mrs Tate) arrived at school this morning. I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with the Reception children yesterday and they were all very excited and I know they have had a super day.

During this week I have also visited Year 2 during one of their Boomtastic writing sessions and was very impressed as they confidently spoke of where in their writing they would include alliteration, similes or onomatopoeia to name but a few! I cannot wait to read the finished pieces!

All of the staff are busy collating assessments and producing data on each of our children and reports will be coming out at the end of the first week back. We will be holding parents meetings during the following week and ask that you either pop in or contact Suzanne or Melissa from Monday 22nd to book your 10 minute appointment.

I know that Reverend Helen will have been in our thoughts and prayers of many yesterday as she was installed as the Chaplain of St Paul’s Cathedral, London. We ask God to bless her and all that she does in his name.


In the ongoing attempt to raise money for the new building, we will be a holding a competition between the classes called “Penny Wars”. Look out for more information on this after half-term.

Half Term awaits us. I hope that you all have a restful and fun filled week. We look forward to seeing you on Monday the 22nd of February.

Happy Holiday!

Mrs Street

12th Feb

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Parent Survey – Feedback

“Brighstone School is an excellent school. Very happy with the progress my child is making”

“My child has come on in leaps and bounds and has massively surprised me. I am very happy.”

Thanks to all parents who took part in our recent Parent Questionnaire. We are proud to report that 100% of parents who responded said that their child is happy and feels safe at our school. The responses this year also show an overall improvement in the school’s performance in meeting particular pupils’ needs, supporting learning, receiving information about progress and dealing with bullying – and it was great to see that you feel we are good at keeping you well informed.

Our thanks to all parents who completed the questionnaire.