Dear Parents and Carers,
Over the past week we have experienced some very wet, dull and dismal weather, despite this the children’s enthusiasm for learning has not been dampened. As I walk around school and spend time in the classrooms, I am greeted by engaging, stimulating and varied learning opportunities for the children. We look forward to being able to share your child’s learning with you during the Parent Consultation evenings for the Spring Term. These will be held on Wednesday 8th March and Thursday 9th March, this will be your opportunity to discuss your child’s progress directly with the teacher. Keeping you up to date on your child’s progress is very important to us and we feel that the best way to do this is through parent consultation. You will receive a detailed written report about your child’s achievement, attainment and progress across all areas of the curriculum in July. In the meantime, we feel that the best way to keep you informed is through a formative discussion process. We will let you know when you are able to book appointments.
I am sure many of you will have been aware that last week was the start of the Chinese New Year – but did you know that this year is the ‘Year of the Rooster’? The children in Robin and Owl Class were very excited to share this information with me and the Chinese Lanterns that they had been making.
As half-term approaches there are some very important dates that for your diary. On Friday 17th February, the BSA are holding a Valentine’s Disco for the children; the school disco is always an enjoyable event giving the children an opportunity to socialise with each other as part of their wider experience of school life. This is also the start of our half-term holiday, the children return to school on Tuesday 28th February. Please note that Monday 27th February is an INSET day.
Along with the Buzz today your child will have a letter that is informing you about changes to Breakfast and After-school club (FAB). A copy of the letter is also attached to the version of the Buzz on the school website; it is also a separate attachment for those of you who receive an electronic copy via email. Please check your child’s bag for a paper copy of the letter. I would like to encourage any parents who have questions, comments or concerns to contact me. I am happy for you to approach me in the playground at the beginning and the end of the school day or to make an appointment if you prefer.
Best wishes
Mrs Fox