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Headteacher: Mrs Rebecca Lennon

Senior Administrator: Mrs Debbie Pelosi

Telephone: 01983 740285



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Issue 13, Brighstone Buzz, 4th December, 2015

Brighstone the Final frontier! Head Teacher’s Log – Stardate 4th December 2015.

It has been an intergalactic week at Brighstone Primary. The Whole School were entertained by Year 6 on Tuesday. Their short production about an alien landing was well written, acted and organised and has led to many out of this world writing opportunities throughout the school. Thank you Dragonfly class, from the whole school.

We have also enjoyed a whistle stop tour around the constellations that can be seen in the night sky. Every class has spent time in the inflatable planetarium in the hall today and listened intently to the fascinating facts and information. The experience has been a super way to bring to an end (well almost) what has been another fantastic whole school topic.

Reception, Years 1 & 2 welcomed parents into their classroom on Wednesday afternoon to help them make wonderful decorations for our Christmas Trees to be displayed at the Brighstone Christmas Tree Festival next weekend.

We have yet to welcome another visitor to Brighstone this week. Despite his busy schedule, Father Christmas has managed to pencil in a breakfast stop off into his diary for Saturday morning. I am sure that he is as excited as all of the children who will be joining him.


There is just over a week left to buy your raffle tickets, first prize is £100 cash. Tickets are still available from Suzanne and Melissa in the office now!

Mrs Chatzakis would like to thank the parents that donated items to the homeless.

Over and out for another week, see you Monday! Mrs Street.


[gview file=””] A Christmas Carol A4 Poster [gview file=””] [gview file=””] [gview file=””]

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Parent Survey – Feedback

“Brighstone School is an excellent school. Very happy with the progress my child is making”

“My child has come on in leaps and bounds and has massively surprised me. I am very happy.”

Thanks to all parents who took part in our recent Parent Questionnaire. We are proud to report that 100% of parents who responded said that their child is happy and feels safe at our school. The responses this year also show an overall improvement in the school’s performance in meeting particular pupils’ needs, supporting learning, receiving information about progress and dealing with bullying – and it was great to see that you feel we are good at keeping you well informed.

Our thanks to all parents who completed the questionnaire.